How to Freeze Dry Candy

Freeze Dried Candy

Exploring the art of freeze-drying candy reveals a world where flavors are intensified and textures transformed. This post delves into the methods for freeze-drying candy, highlighting both professional equipment and DIY techniques to create these crispy, flavorful delights at home.

What is Freeze-Drying?

Freeze-drying, or lyophilization, is a sophisticated process that removes moisture from food through sublimation. It involves freezing the item, and then applying a vacuum to reduce pressure, facilitating the direct conversion of ice to vapor without passing through a liquid phase.

Why Freeze-Dry Candy?

  • Enhanced Flavors: Freeze-drying candy is a game-changer for flavor enhancement. When candy is freeze-dried, water content is removed, resulting in a concentration of flavors. This means that each bite delivers a more intense taste experience compared to its non-freeze-dried counterpart. For example, the fruity zest of gummy candies becomes more pronounced, and the sweet tang of sour candies hits with greater impact. The absence of water molecules allows the inherent flavors of the candy to shine through, offering a purer and more vibrant taste sensation.


  • Unique Texture: The texture transformation that occurs during the freeze-drying process is nothing short of remarkable. Traditional candies, often characterized by their chewiness or softness, become light and airy once freeze-dried. This new texture not only provides a delightful contrast but also adds a crunch that appeals to those who crave a different kind of snack experience. The candy dissolves quickly in the mouth, leaving a satisfying crunch that enhances the overall eating experience. This unique texture also makes freeze-dried candies a versatile ingredient for culinary creativity, such as topping for ice creams, yogurts, or even as an unconventional addition to trail mixes.


  • Longer Shelf Life: Moisture is a catalyst for microbial growth and spoilage. By removing water through freeze-drying, candies become less hospitable to bacteria and mold, significantly extending their shelf life. This makes freeze-dried candies an excellent choice for long-term storage, reducing food waste and preserving the quality of the sweets over time. Additionally, the decreased weight from water loss makes these treats more portable and convenient for travel, camping, or emergency food supplies, providing a durable yet enjoyable snack option.

Using a Freeze-Dryer for Candy

    • Preparation: Start by selecting the right type of candy. High-moisture candies like gummies, marshmallows, and soft candies are ideal for freeze-drying as they undergo a significant transformation. The water content in these candies contributes to a more dramatic texture change and flavor concentration post-freeze-drying. Before proceeding, ensure the candies are fresh and in good condition to achieve the best results.

      • Slicing: Uniformity is key in the freeze-drying process. Slice or cut the candy into even pieces to ensure consistent drying. This step is crucial because it allows each piece of candy to freeze and subsequently dry at the same rate, preventing some pieces from being over-dried or still moist. The size of the pieces should be adjusted based on the type of candy and the capacity of the freeze-dryer; typically, smaller pieces are preferable as they dry more efficiently.

        • Freezing: Pre-freezing the candy is a preparatory step that can significantly enhance the efficiency of the freeze-drying process. Spread the sliced candy on a tray in a single layer, making sure the pieces don’t touch each other, and then place the tray in the freezer. This step solidifies the water content in the candies, making it easier and quicker for the freeze-dryer to sublimate the ice directly into vapor.

          • Freeze-Drying Process: Once the candy is completely frozen, transfer it to the freeze-dryer. The freeze-dryer uses a vacuum pump to create a low-pressure environment around the candy. It then gradually increases the temperature inside the chamber. This heat helps convert the solid ice within the candy directly into vapor, a process known as sublimation, without passing through a liquid phase. The precise settings for temperature and pressure will depend on the freeze-dryer model and the type of candy being processed. Monitoring the process is important to ensure that the candy is dried uniformly and thoroughly.

            • Post-Processing: After the freeze-drying cycle is complete, it's crucial to handle the candy correctly to maintain its quality. The candy should be at room temperature before you open the freeze-dryer to avoid moisture condensation on the cold candy. Once removed, immediately place the freeze-dried candy in moisture-proof packaging. Using airtight containers with oxygen absorbers or vacuum-sealed bags is ideal to prevent the reabsorption of moisture and to protect the candy from humidity and air. This step ensures the candy retains its crisp texture and concentrated flavor for an extended period.

          Skip the DIY Method:

          Looking for a faster way to experience the flavor sensations of this amazing new candy? You can easily order 5 oz bag of freeze dried candy from Monsta Bitez



          DIY Method Without a Freeze-Dryer:

          1. Freeze: Cut the candy into small pieces and spread them on a tray, ensuring they don’t overlap. Freeze solid in your freezer, ideally at the lowest temperature setting.
          2. Sublimation: To mimic a freeze-dryer, you need to create conditions that allow ice to sublimate in your freezer. This can be attempted by adjusting the freezer to its lowest humidity setting and using desiccant packs to help absorb moisture. However, this method is less effective and much slower than using a freeze-dryer.
          3. Time: Without a professional freeze-dryer, the process can take several weeks to a few months. Regular checks are necessary to determine when the candy is completely dry and crispy.
          4. Storage: Once fully dried, store the candies in airtight containers with desiccant packets to prevent moisture from re-entering.

          Tips for Success:

          • Even Sizes: Consistent piece size is crucial for uniform drying.
          • Patience is Key: The DIY method requires time and patience to achieve the desired crispy texture.
          • Storage Solutions: Proper storage is essential to maintain the freeze-dried candy’s quality.


          Freeze-drying candy is an exciting way to enhance the sensory experience of your favorite sweets. Whether using a professional freeze-dryer or trying a DIY method, this process can offer a new perspective on traditional candies, delivering intense flavors and a satisfying crunch.